
Its like you took a wave.
A deep blue salty wave
And collected it in your pocket…
For me.

And then you took that wave
That deep blue salty wave.
With all your hate and spite
With all your little mite.

You took that deep blue wave
And just because you craved
You threw it;
To shatter onto me.

It fell upon my heart
Frightened me with a start
And shattered all my dreams into two.
My dreams had only been of me and you…

I gathered up your wave
Entangled with my heart
My dreams, my hopes, my thoughts
In there too.

I looked upon the mess.
And can you take a guess
At the next thing
I just so happened to do.

I found your little heart
Frightened you with a start
And dumped your shitty mess
Back on you…