My Own Stranger

Maybe you can see it
Maybe you can’t
But I definitely feel it
‘Cause it’s inside of me
Taking me over
Creeping over me in my sleep
And drowning me during the day
No passion
No love
No happiness
Just hurt
And anger
And words that hurt me
And then there’s you
The one I love so much
The one who has my heart
The one who has a hand clasped around it
Because every time I look at you
I can’t draw my eyes away in fear of losing you
Every time I smell you
I want to wrap my arms around you and never let go
Every time I hear your voice
I want to memorize it and never stop hearing it
Yes, there is you
The one who hurts me
Who makes me think why do I live
Why am I alive
Does anyone even care?
I would rather die
No one cares, so no one will now
I’m living a fucking lie
No one knows ME, the real me at least
No one knows the person inside
Not even I do
I’m a stranger to myself
A stranger to myself
A stranger with no heart
No passion
No love
No happiness or bliss
Just plane emptiness…