
Please remember
Love is something you feel
Every step you take shall have love in it
And maybe you don’t realize
Some love you more than their own life
Even when they are dying
So please remember
That love isn’t to be taken for granted
Or just found, used, and thrown away
Put it in the pocket of your heart
Hold it close and don’t let go
Understand that love cannot be thrown away
Remember, love is us and you, it is everywhere
Tomorrow you will say that you love them more
In the end, that will be the truth
Never does love die unless you thrown it away
Gamble it out of your life
Yet it never really goes, just stays in the trash
Of course it can always be retrieved
Under no circumstances can it not be
Realizing this might take a while
So sit back and hold on for a bit
Every person who has said ‘I love you’ means it
Love you forever, they will because
Forever is never too long in love