Don't Call Me Crazy

Please don't call me crazy
I'm normal to me
I may laugh for no reason
But that only means I'm happy as can be

Who cares if I like dripping blood
At least I'm not spreading lies
Why do you look at me like that?

I'm not a freak
Just normal, plain me
I see nothing wrong
Why are you staring?

I'm normal
I don't like to hurt people unless they hurt me
That's what normal people do, right?

Why even stare at me and care I'm this way
I like me this way, it brings joy to my day

Don't lock me in a room that's white and clean
With people closely observing me

Don't keep me from seeing the sky
And feeling the grass tickle my feet
I like the outdoors, isn't that neat?

Wouldn't you feel bliss when you're with the thing you love?
I love to just sit outside and stare off into the sky
Dreaming of endless possibilites with maybe just a dove

Why does that freak you out?
There's nothing wrong
Don't trap me and call me crazy
Stop staring at me like that
It's creepy to me

Why am I so different?
Because that's just who I am
I am sane
I just don't think like everyone else
I'm different, you see

So what? leave me be