
Beautiful things i still don't know,
diamond bright eyes glazed with tears,
I'm to far to see the fabrication of the show,
but too close to shrink from reality and fears,

i try and reach to help you heart,
but my finger tips only skim your skin,
in this blackened fairy tale i can't find a start,
to seek a needle to sew back my sin,

a sickness is welling in my throat,
burning at my empty insides,
ink flicked words burn what i wrote,
we can't flee from th incoming tides,

the sky a soft, mesmerizing purple,
shadowing satin of a lilac flower,
but we are stranded yet prisoned in this circle,
a vicious cycle of unknown power,

these poisoned-tipped thorns frame our minds,
their knifes scrape so slightly,
not enough for pain of any kinds,
but breath escapes from how tightly,

ripping wings off of butterflies,
won't light up the world with good grace,
but through the tapestry of lows and highs,
we need to mask on a brave face.