Sisters forever

You're my sister.
You're my friend.
I've known you in the beginning and I'll know you until the end.
No matter what you do, or what you say,
I'll be here for you like you was for me.

We have both done a lot of bad things and told a lot of lies, but I will forgive you each and every time. Because you are my sister, my blood, my family, and you will always be part of my life. You are part of the reason I am who I am and I thank you for that, because with out you I just wouldn't be the same.

So, never say no one loves you.
Never say no one needs you.
Never say no one cares.
Because I'll love you always,
I'll need you no matter what, and I couldn't care more about you.

When you are gone I will miss you.
When you are sad I will comfort you.
When you are mad I'll make you forget why.

Because I am you're sister, I am you're friend, and I will be here for you always.
No matter what you have done or why you have done it, I'll still love you forever and always.