
plunge me back into the darkness you had pulled me out of my body goes cold once more my soul get lost and my heart has stopped beating you killed what was left of it when you pulled me out and now i have no life left in my vains theres no flicker of life left and now everyone passes on like nothing has happend to me so bring me back to life you no what i need so bring me back to the angels where they sing bring me back from this hellish nightmear before i am lost forever so please dont sink me so low and so much in pain i cant feel what i see and see everything i read what you cant say i read what i no so dont lie dont hide i no who you really are and who you are is dying as i was so save your self and save me and dont look back on what has happend dont bring everything that has hurt you so risk it with what you think is dead and bring it back to life and dont look back only look forward so please save me i need that flash light you gave me i dont no where i lost it to