Simpler Times

Do you remember, of simpler times?
when you were younger, around 8, maybe 9?
And your biggest problem, was the monster you thought was under your bed.
You slept with a nightlight, cause darkness put scary things in your head.
You carried a blankey, thumb in your mouth.
And you would cover your ears, when your parents would shout.
You'd never disappoint anyone.
You were only concentrated on having fun.

But now you've grown up, you're losing your hair.
In the real world, you've found out, things are less fair.
Now that you're out there, you really wish you could go back.
Because you spazz, get in accidents, where everything turns black.
You really wish you were a child again.
Now you feel as if you're wearing red in a bullpen.
A child holds such immense innocence
Only God could have had this brilliance.
For now, you're completely tained.
Who would deal with this monstrance?
You'll never ever be like that.
That's not the way you were made to format.