Destiny is not a path already made

Your time is just a blessing arresting my soul
from everything that has kept me from being whole.
My insides screaming that i've lost control,
what's the destiny that awaits my poor soul?
There it is out in the green pasture
Destiny looking bright but there's no time to capture.

In the blink of an eye it's all gone,
nothing left but this darkened rapture.
Scared i cry this isn't right!
Why am I left to fight this fight?!
Why is it black? Where's all the light?
Before i could think arose this dark figure.

He could have torn me apart with one finger.
But i stood tall in the face of this enemy.
Ready to face what has become of my destiny.
In a deep dark voice he spooke
"Destiny is not a path already made for you, it is the path you make."

With those words he grew.
It was at that moment i knew what i had to do.
But then the darkness gave way to light,
and i relized i had just won the fight.
All the self-pity all, all the doubt,
replaced by character and clout.

Now equipped with the tools to face my destiny,
and the knolege to know it will be what i want it to be.
Time no longer has a bearing on me;
fore i am the maker of my own destiny.
♠ ♠ ♠
I wrote this when i was feeling alone and let down. like my life had already been planned out for me and i had no say in it/