

I love you so much and miss you
I'm sorry we have to leave you all alone
I hate seeing you hurt and alone

I look forward to seeing you
I just hate what you do to yourself
Drinking yourself silly
I rarely see you eat anymore

I fear for you daddy
I fear you are going to die
I can't stand the thought
I can't stand to see you do that to yourself

I want to yell at you and tell you not to hurt yourself
Because you are hurting me too
I know it's your life and your choice
But it's hurting all of us.
We love you and we see that you are killing yourself

There is more to life then drinking
There is your family
Your job
I know you love to cook
You are great at it, daddy

You are the most amazing man
Although I think that you can't see that
I love you Daddy
I should tell you that more then I do
But I really do love you

You take care of us...this is for you Daddy,
With love from your darling daughter
You're an amazing father
Don't ever think differently
I love you and always will