It's Almost Time

It's almost time
For me to seriously grow up
I have plans to make
And goals to reach
I can't be depend on my parents forever

It's almost time
For me to leave home
Just one more year
Then I'm on my own
I know I'll shed a tear

It's almost time
To pack it all up
Leave behind great memories
To fill my half empty cup
With experiences that I can't get here

When I walk across that stage next year
I'll be walking across the bridge of no return
I can't go back to being a goofy high school student
The one who has to ask to go out
The one who has to get a ride because she doesn't have her license yet
The one who has a curfew
I'll never be that one again

It's almost time
To let it all go
Grow up
Let everything I've learned show

It's almost time