Kill 'em With Kindness

I log on to facebook,
and I see a notification.

You commented on my photo.

So I clicked it.
You commented on a very old picture,
that was taken in seventh grade.

I scrolled down the the photo comments,
and there it was,
"you are so immature...."

I know you're not my friend and all,
but I have some questions for you.

Are you trying to make me feel bad?
Because it's not working

Are you just joking?
Because it wasn't funny

Are you just mean all the time?
Because then I understand

I didn't really care what she thought.
She wasn't my friend.
I wasn't hers.
I wasn't trying to win the attetion of her.

So I just replied with, "Thank you!"
Because just like my mother said,
Kill 'em with kindness.
♠ ♠ ♠
I was just kind of letting out my feelings.
I dont nessisarily feel bad.
I'm just confused on why she did that.
So that's basically what that was about.