I am Invisible

I have no one.
My friends left me because they thought I did something with someone that I didn't
My mom and dad died when I was little, leaving me here in this orphanage.
No one even knows I'm alive.
I'm Invisible.

I want to die.
I want to leave this cruel life that I have been put in.
I know that no one would care.
I know that no one would really even notice that I'm gone.
I'm Invisible.

I've been hurting for so long.
No body even cares.
I've dealt with the pain in the only way that I can think.
With a razor and blood, yet no one evens cares enough to tell me to stop.
I'm invisible.

So, here I sit, razor blade in hand.
Sitting in a bath filled with warm water to help with the circulation.
There is one thought running through my mind.
And one thought only.
I'm invisible.

I sit here with tears streaming down my face ready to die.
Then, there's loud bangs on the door.
Even though I hear it I don't care. I cut my wrist so deep, but I don't even feel anything.
Suddenly, the door bursts open and people come pick me up and rush me to the hospital.
I guess I'm not as Invisible as I thought.