Thanks For NOT Being My Best Friend

You say you'll be there for me - but you never are.
When I need you the most - you're not there.
When I tell you I don't know what to do - you don't even care.

What do you mean when you say you're my best friend?
What do you think a best friend is?
Whatever you think - you're not, or it's wrong.
You say you're my best friend.
Guess what?
You're not.

I can sit there, bawling my eyes out, you dont notice.
I'm upset and you ask why but I say 'its nothing' - you don't notice I'm lying and you walk away.
You don't know me as much as you like to say.

The sad thing is.
I'm a best friend to you.
No matter what I'm by your side.
I listen and I'm always trying to help.
I always know when you're lying.
To bad I get nothing in return.

It meant so much,
When I thought you'd be there for me.
Then you're not.
Anytime I call to talk to you,
You have to go or you're busy.
No matter what, anytime you call, I make time to talk to you.
Why does this only go one way?
Now all i gotta say is;

Thanks for the lies.
Thanks for breaking all the promises.
Thanks for not being there when i needed you.
Thanks for never making time for me.
Thanks for NOT being my best friend.
So think the next time before u say ur my best friend
Because honestly, you're not.
♠ ♠ ♠
What do you think? I was just really mad at my so-called "best friend" and wrote this. I don't think it's all that good but please feel free to give me your opinions!