Through The Looking Glass

I look through this ‘special’ glass

Its like a window
To my passed
To my present
And to my future

Sometimes it hurts
…to remember…
And sometimes it makes me overjoyed

When I look through this glass
I see you

I hold my hand up to it
And you put yours to mine

I smile
And you smile back

I’m happy
And I know that you are too

But within your smile
I know your faltering inside
Just as I am too
I know your pain
And I know that you see mine
Its hard to think
That two young girls
Such as us
Could go through this much pain
And sorrow
Its sad really…
We NEVER asked for this
In a BILLION years
Would we ask for such pain
And agony
We just want to be normal
But no
We can NEVER be normal
Not us
Not ever
Because we’ve never been given the chance
To act normal
‘First Glance’
There’s always a warning sign
Because apparently
…We’re freaks…