My Wonderland

In my Wonderland I'm different.
I'm taller.
I'm skinnier.
I'm talented.
I draw, play guitar, drums and bass.
I'm different.

In my Wonderland I'm whatever I want to be.
I'm a designer.
I'm a model.
I'm a forensic technician.
I'm a rockstar.
I'm whatever I want to be.

In my Wonderland I have whatever I want.
I have a big house.
I have my own personal library.
I have fashion studio.
I have a store full of things I like.
I have whatever I want.

My Wonderland isn't real though.
If it were I'd be happy.
Things would be different.
I'd be different.
I like things the way they are though
Even though my Wonderland isn't real.

Because sometimes,
You just have to have your own Wonderland.
To help you get through the day,
Keep you entertained,
To live in during your sleep.

No matter what we have our Wonderlands for,
They're ours.
No one else's.
That's what makes them special to us.