Love is Forever

Love is forever

Not once in a lifetime.

You love someone forever,

And you become their world.

They stay by your side,

They want you there forever.

Someone who loves you is someone who:

Loves you so much

They want nothing more than to keep you for themselves.

Who still shows you off to all their friends just because they're so proud to have you.

Who calls you in the morning just to say "Hey beautiful"

Who calls you Cute or Beautiful rather than Sexy or hot.

They don't want you for your looks,

They don't even notice your looks so often,

Simply because they love you for you.

That is love.

That is the way it should be,

Don't you see?

If a love between two people is real love,

Won't that love last forever?

Now you see.
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Wow... Okay well i hope you like it!