I Cannot Write a Poem

I cannot write a poem
So my friend told me this over the phone.
"You suck at rhyming that you make it a crime."
Unfortunately she was right, but rhyming
Isn't such a crime.

My last poem consisted of beef ham
And it exploded on my newly yam.
It was very bad, as you can tell
That it sounded like Dr. Suess
When he was on drugs.

As you can tell that poetry is not my game.
I'm so lame that I failed my course
In Spain.

So I cannot write a poem
As you can tell this poem
doesnt' to rhyme
So charge me for my crime
♠ ♠ ♠
Haha so I wrote this as a joke and I think you can tell that it was. So if you read this and you think it's a waste of time, I'm sorry, but this was a way for me to pass mine