The Child Inside My Heart

I am not like most regular beings:
I have phantom wings on my back,
Foresight in my eyes,
And a child in my heart.

But things are not well with me,
Things are not as they seem,
Beware my smiles and laughter,
For Dark things lurke inside them.

My foresight is blind-folded,
My wings--torn to shreads,
And the child in my heart is crying,
My soul is shattered like a mirror.

Sometimes I peek past the blindfold,
Sometimes My wings heal their wounds,
And Sometimes my child will cease her tears,
But it is only a matter of time.

The Blindfold tightens around my head,
A nightmare tears at my wings,
Fear and Sorrow force my child to cry out again.

But no one can see the blind-fold,
No one can see my wings.
And no one sees me crying,
because my child inside is forvever crying for me.