
In my darkest times,
the times when I can not see anything.
There is but one thing to save me.
You’re the light at the end of my tunnel.
The stars at night when I have a bad dream.
You’re there for me at my worst of times.
You think that you can’t help anyone,
But you can help me with just your smile.
You’re the light at the end of my tunnel.
The stars at night when I have a bad dream.
Your smile is oh so more beautiful then any other I’ve seen,
Angels would die just for you and your beauty.
I love you and you probly already know this.
You’re the angel of my life,
You saved me when I was falling and now I wish to do the same for you,
And I know I say this a lot,
But this time its different,
I don’t just know your important to me,
But I can feel it,
And it feels so good and I never want to lose you.
I love you Nicole and I don’t want you to forget that.