Scraping Knees

I coulndn't tell you, I couldn't say it
I couldn't show you, I couldn't force it
I won't let you know, I won't let you see
I won't ask you to help, I won't want you to get involved

It feels like jabbing pencils into my palms
It feels like walking on the sharp Arkansas rocks on a hot, hot day
Embedding themselves into the soles of my feet
It feels like ice pelting my chilled winter face, my eyes taking the torment
It feels like bare knees scraping against the bark of unforgiving trees

You wouldn't assume that I just can't get over this
You wouldn't know that i would bend until i broke to make you smile
You wouldn't guess that I cry until my eyes are sore and my heart is dry
You wouldn't think that with all of my heart i want nothing but happiness
For you

So let me think that i deserve nothing better than to watch you
Fall in love
So let me carve my feelings into undeserving wrists
So let me take enough pills to go to get high, but not enough to die

Tell me that my life is more than a cut or a scrape or the feeling
Of pain
Tell me that I'm beautiful
Tell me that I deserve the best, to be happy as you
Tell me that I don't understand that the world is bigger than this

Maybe if you held me close enough i wouldn't cry myself to sleep
Maybe if you grew up and saw there is no way out
That I have no opputunity to be a child any longer
Maybe if you wanted me to stop hurting myself
Maybe you would have to look in the mirror for a long time

Isn't skipping every meal harmful to you?
Isn't getting high just as bad?
Isn't telling someone your okay when your not a lie?
Isn't losing all hope cause to say that you, too
Are a lost cause?

I love you, like i love the moments of silence before dusk
I want you to be happy even if this is the death of me
I wish you would let me just die lonley, another lost to angst
I need you to say one more time that maybe
Just maybe, you love me too

Forever you will be a hero to me, no matter the mistakes
Forever you will have the ability to make me smile
Forever you will hold me above the water,
Keeping me from going under
Forever you will live, laugh, learn, and love
Forever you will stay
In a Cutter's heart