so, what happens next?

so, what happens next?
you tell me I have to move on
but I can't
you tell me to get over you
but I can't
you tell me there's more to life
but to me, you are life..

so, what happens next?
with your words so full of fake emotion
and smiles laced with lies
the words slipping from your lips, dripping with sarcasm
falling to the floor one more time
the same way they did when we were known as one

so, what happens next?
you tell me to find another love
but I can't
you tell me to pick myself off the floor
but I can't
you tell me to get a new reason to live
but to me, you are my reason to live

so, what happens next?
you with your eyes glinting with evil plans
and your fakery so realistic
the paper thin skin you shrug off so easily
had me inside it
and elements of my now shattered heart

so, what happens next?
all I have left is a shattered heart
you tell me to forget..
hands gripping my life so tight
you threw it over a wall with no consideration
so with nothing left to life for a fall
and all you can do is watch and laugh..

so, you tell me.
what happens next?