Call It Chicken Salad

Dr.Seuss has gone bad,
He wrote a book
And called it chicken salad
They tore it apart and analyzed it
Then their heads exploded in though
Because they were just random curse words and rhymes
Put together to make you think
It made no since
But it was real…

They had no words to describe it
So they called it chicken salad

It spoke to words of a thousand lost souls

It was new,

But they knew it was a special

So they locked up his lyrics

And hid him from the world

Taking away his voice.

'Cause reality was too much
Something they couldn't face.
♠ ♠ ♠
Call it Chicken Salad:
A phrase used to describe a feeling or action when you don't know how to word it. Can also be used when someone doesn't agree with the description you used.