A Sigh Away

I'm missing what I've never had
The love I wish you could give me
And I'm just making myself sad
Because I know that we can't be

At least not for now, and I know
Because I told you how I felt
I put you on the spot, and so
I feel so bad for the cards I dealt

Not only were you uncomfortable
But I have hurt myself as well
If only you and I were able
To hug and to love and to fall

Now is not the time for tears
Now, at the end of the day
I must was away these fears
While wishing you were a sigh away
♠ ♠ ♠
I got rejected by this guy I really liked. End of story.

I'm not really too upset anymore, because it happened more than a month ago. I still like him, though. It's funny how these things work like that.