Responsive Poetry

As the days go by,
I lose myself,
In what is known as life.
It seems so hard,
To have a simple life,
But easy to lose yourself in it.
Once you lose yourself,
Is it easy to find yourself again?
Or would you find someone who you don't recognize?

-by someone I used to care about.

Life is like a hopeless dream,
I wish to anyone who would listen,
Tell me otherwise and draw me out,
of this lifeless existence that mocks life itself,
I don't recognize who I am anymore or if I ever will,
I just need someone to care, to love, and laugh out loud,
to get out of the existence I have and help me find myself anew.

-Random crap I just wrote.
♠ ♠ ♠
Feedback if you want. I don't mind either way.