My Heart Is Not a Toy

Hearts are not playthings
To be bandied about
Nor toys to be thrown
Or casually broken
My heart is precious
Its a delicate thing
Not heavy and hard
Nor bouncy and sprung
My heart might not love
And itmight not cry
But it will bleed alot
If you cut it too deep
I feel pain
As much as the next
I feel cracks
My heart is so patched
My heart is not a toy
Please treat it well
Its yours to use
Please don't abuse
♠ ♠ ♠
You may have seen this on Facebook.
I wrote it and published it on Quizilla, anyone wanting to contest that can check the dates
It was taken from my profile on Quizilla and used to create a group on Facebook.

I personally don't think its very good and don't take offence at it being used in this way. I just want it known that I wrote it and not whoever created the group on Facebook