Blue Stars on My Face, Steam on My Breath, Crying the Laughing Cry

Blue stars on my face and steam on my breath
I've been walking a while now
Crying the laughing cry
Its uniquley mine
And not uniquley anyone elses
So lets hear it cried aloud
Lets hear it for the stars
Little salvations of stickers
Stuck on like moles
Steam on my breath
Reminding me I'm alive
Now lets hear the laughin cry
Those little sobs of laughter
The impulse reaction to FUBAR
Well FUBAR it is
And FUBAR I am
So I'll carry on walking
Blue stars on my face
White steam on my breath
Crying the laughing CRY!
♠ ♠ ♠
This is as close to my real feelings and actions as I could possibly get.
Its about a walk back from a friends house after a night out, and its an attempt to define my resistance to the emotions I constantly feel

Its a favourite of mine because of what it means to me, I'm not really bothered whether its good or not.