Story of My Life

As I wait till the last day of school
I can’t believe that my junior year is over
And In January I’ll graduate
Then in May I’ll be an adult

The Beatles blast through my headphones
As I finish a project for graphics
And I’m easy temped with a game of Warcraft
But hesitantly refuse the temptation till Wednesday

For years I’ve always scrapped by
But this year is different as I come out with A’s and B’s
My GPA has never been this good

I don’t have any dreams or goals
Except becoming an adult and moving to San Francisco
Away from Washington and away from the stress of family

While peers are planning for college
I’m trying to get out of college
And maybe becoming a real estate agent
Which doesn’t require college
I’d rather start my life with money
Rather than in debt

Life has depressed me for years
Ever since I started 7th grade
Having a drama queen mother isn’t easy
And moving to a place where I can’t find friends is hard
Having goals that parents easily put down
Makes it hard to have goals at all

World of Warcraft becomes an escape from reality
A place where I can hide and have my own goals
Where I can kill pixels in the shape of a beast
And talk to people who are escaping reality
Where the game becomes a home
Till one day you have to wake up and face the reality

My life shouldn’t be that depressing
In fact it’s more boring than depressing
I’m very fortunate to have the family I have
But I don’t feel like I fit in
Even with people of the same bloodline

My name is now “who’s turn is it to clean the kitchen?”
How is that not depressing?
But at least I’m not poor
And at least I have a family

As the days go by
I hope I become more optimistic
And learn to enjoy life
But for now I’ll stick to warcraft and my love of music