The Span of My Creation

The soul of my life,
The one who means everything,
The life of my soul.

Jump into this world,
We watch the unspeakable,
I speak of new words.

Moving on to more,
An adventurous moment,
My growth has begun.

I worship the love,
The connection grows stronger,
My one and only.

Breath, we breathe heavily,
Love, we love, we love some more,
Fly, fly, fly away.

The one is now two,
We spread more life to the world,
They too have a life.

The one who lives long,
The beginning is now done,
The one who lives old.

Now there goes my life,
I feel rather fulfilling,
It's my time to die.

The life of my soul,
Everything adds up to one,
The soul of my life.
♠ ♠ ♠
New, Growth, Love, Kids, Age, Death. My life span, in a Haiku.