She's Lying

She’ll be the death of you,
But she’ll be holding your hand,
And even if she’s holding it loose.
Even if the last thing you hear escape her lips is, “I hate you.”
Trust me, she’s lying,
I’ll by her some time,
And in the end all she’ll want is to take it back,
Her heart will be under war,
As the cancer attacks,
And she’ll remember she said that,
And she’ll remember everything you had.
The first thing you said was, “Hello beautiful.”
That is what she’ll remember.
She’ll be holding your hand loose,
Because with you went her strength,
She’ll say she hates you,
Because you called her beautiful and then you left.
She’ll lie in the end to defend
The heart your dying hands held.
With you body as it rots her heart will disintegrate.
Trust me, she’s missing you,
And that’s the honest truth.
In the hospital bed you laid,
She watched the monitor as it chased away movement,
Steadying to a subtle beep,
A shot to the heart for her ears.
You’re love was enchantment,
The night you proposed,
But she remembers before,
When she was alone.
She grew up single,
And believed it so,
Her ‘one’ would never show.
On that summer day you approached.
The thought in her head was,
Joy, another boy I don’t get to hold.
She was shocked to say the least,
As you knelt on your knee,
Pulling a rose out,
“Hello beautiful.”
She saw through you,
The hopeless romantic
You grew to be.
She watched you love her,
Watched you leave.
She watched your return.
She gave you her heart,
You took it in stride.
But now you aren’t able to say much,
Stuck in a trap of eternal love,
She was the death of you,
She held your hand,
But she held it loose,
“I hate you.”
Those words were the end,
Repeated over again and again,
But in truth you just died in bad timing,
Trust me, I promise,
My darling, She’s lying.