An Ode to Our Future Children

The pitter-patter of tiny feet echo through the house
The boyish smile--Or girlish charm
Of a Grayson--Or an Amber
The little people have taken over our house.
We love them, and adore them as our own
Our little munchkin kids
Unconditionally . . . through the OOPS!
I broke the window Dad, or OOPS!
I broke the vase Mom, or OWIE!
I got a boo-boo . . . .
And then the magical "Kiss of Healing"
We're there to make it better.

Isn't it magicall arithmetic
How you plus me make three, then four?
Our beautiful miracles--The result of a night of bliss
And that enchanting kiss
That makes the stork break through our window
Nine months after that night
To deliver our pride and joy--
A testiment to our own vanity.
Their smiling faces look up to our own and see
You and me: Their loving family
Their own bright futures
That of two tiny, playful fanatics.

A Grayson and an Amber.

They will both grow up SO FAST
But who are both old enought to know
The love that made them was pure.