Happy Birthday

Happy birthday to you
That's what this poem's written for
And trust me if I wasn't broke
I'd certainly offer more
I'm sorry this sucks
I've never been much of a poet
But if you could just keep on reading
I only need a moment
Thank you for listening to me
Even if I whined too much
It really paid to have someone there
A temporary emotional crutch
Also I'd like to thank you
For the advice all of this time
It's hard to imagine it's been three years
You've managed to keep me in line
And though this idea is terribly cheesy
To carry on, I must
I have to say you're the only one at this point
I have the guts to trust
But this poem is coming to a close
There's one last thing I must say
I hope your day ranks above all others
Have a wonderful 16th birthday