A traveler's guide into my brain:The dark corner

Somewhere in my brain there is a dark corner. In that dark corner you will find two very distinct charicatures. Meet sanity and love. Sanity is an old woman, who looks freakishly like my mother, and likes to butt in where her opinion is neither wanted nor asked for. There was a time when sanity ruled the kingdom of my brain, but that was a long time ago and sanity has since been banned and forgotten. Now you will find sanity curled up in the infamous dark corner, covered by cobwebs and muttering inaudible words of reason and common sense. I do believe she may be drunk, but i cannot say for sure, no one cares enough to check. Now, let us move on to the second character you will find in this forsaken part of my brain. Love. Love isn't actually love. She likes to call herself that, but really a more appropriate name for her would be "ability to love", as she is not the feeling itself but merely that little factor wich inables us to develop the feeling of love. Now, there are a few things you may come to notice as you glance upon this sad, forgotten creature. One is that she is but a child. In most brains you would find love to be a fully grown woman(i am convinced that love is a woman, even in the male brain), full of strength and life. In most cases she is a deceitful bitch that carries around an unidentified drug wich she uses to keep you under her domain, but that is another subject for another time. The point is, in my brain, you will find love to be nothing more than a frightened child, drug-less and abused. The poor thing was never given a chance, she was neglected and abandoned before she could develop into the afore mentioned deceitful bitch. The second thing you will notice about love is that she always carries in her hand a key. She holds it with all her strength and refuses to let go, stubborn little thing. I suspect you will not be surprised to learn that this key is none other than the key to my heart. Cliche, i know, but it is what it is and i cannot change it. Love holds the key to my heart. She protects it with every last shred of life she has within her, although it isn't much. She does not use the key, nor will she give it up, she merely hides it away from the rest of the world, making sure that no one will ever lay their hands on this precious treasure of hers. Some would say she is selfish, others that she is simply holding on to the last trace of her would be existence. Either way, she will not give it up and until she changes her mind it is the ill faith of my poor heart to remain tightly shut and impenetrable. Now i believe i have spoken enough about love, and there is no more to be said about sanity (such a dull little creature she is...), so i suppose i should leave them alone now. Sanity is fast asleep, still muttering silly thoughts about "right decisions", a half-empty bottle of whisky sitting suspiciously close to her. Love has one hand tightly gripping on her key and another around something that looks like hope. Hmmm, i must be wrong, it is well known that hope has long been extinct in this brain of mine. So take a good long look at this odd pair, this may be the last time you will ever see them. Whomever thought sanity and love would keep each other company? Nothing is as it should be in my brain. But, as i look into myself for the last time today, i cannot say i completely dislike what i see. It is unsual, true, but there is something beautiful in the way everything is reverse and upside down. Perhaps in the future i may set a few things straight, but at the moment i think i will leave everything just as it is, and take pleasure in knowing that this beautiful mess is mine, and mine alone.