Inner Darkness

I look in the window
I can't see anything but a dark shadow
What do you see?
An empty spirit,
A broken heart,
She comes closer
Pitch black eyes
Filled with hollow surprise
She stares back at me
Pale face, long black hair
The sad smile fills her face
The room she is in is dark
As dark as her soul
Something inside me recognises her
I shun from it
So does she
I grow startled as the light comes on
It bursts through the darkness
It shines on the window
But that is a lie
It is not a window but a mirror
With its long silver frame
And icy perfection
Showing the girl in pain
She is me and I am her
The mirror never lies
I stare at her
She stares back at me
A black tear falls from her eyes
And I know then
That the pain we feel
Is real
Will it ever end?
The mirror never lies,
Tell me,
What do you see?
♠ ♠ ♠
I wrote this a couple months ago; I was in a dark mood.