
Smell of smoke,
Dancing to the
Beating of my heart,
Swirls of time and space
Spin around my head
Swim in my vision,
The thickness
Of the air,
The world
Until it's almost stopped,
Time slows down
To the prick of a pin
Just to go
That much faster
When it continues.
The feeling
Of moving,
Moving faster,
Moving in time,
Stopped by a feeling
Of oneness,
A feeling of being a whole,
A feeling of being
Nothing other than myself,
And set apart from everyone
And everything around me,
All at once.
The lights,
So dim,
So bright,
As everything quickens,
The pounding in my head
Coupled with
And yet so different from
The beating of my heart,
As it sends Alcohol
Sends blood,
Sends stars
Through my veins,
Sends drugs,
To pound through my head,
Clearing my vision,
Blurring my sight,
Giving an
Feeling of
As I stumble,
Blindly through the world,
Led by a new sight,
A knowledge,
An impossible force,
A feeling that it's all
More than a dream,
And the rest is all a lie,
I smell the smell of smoke,
I move,
Move faster than a thought,
Until I fall,
Fall into the blue
Fall into the dust,
Sending swirls of thought
In spirals
Through the air that
Passes me by,
Fixes me,
Sending me into the sky
Once again,
Until everything spirals to a
Winding down,
Towards the end,
Landing on solid ground,
Until I can go up again.
♠ ♠ ♠
I have never done drugs or alcohol but I have been to hundreds of parties and this was the feeling the all gave me. I figured I might try to capture the feeling in a poem.