I Can't Stand To Look At You

Feb 3rd in 4th period.

I Can't Stand To Look At You!

I cant stand to look at you,
then all fades away,
but when I do,
reality comes back to haunt me....

I cant stand to look at you,
when all you do is cause me pain,
I guess you cant stand me either,
this is all a shame...

I cant stand to look at you,
when all you do is cause me tears,
I guess you werent the one,
who is the one who really cares...

I cant stand to look at you,
when your eyes burn into mine,
I guess I am just worthless,
to this world both yours and mine...

I cant stand to look at you,
when you tear out my heart,
I guess it was never meant to be,
when you ripped it in half,
and threw it right back...

I cant stand to look at you,
when all you caused is pain,
so never forget this,
your in hells vein!....