
Leave your mark in the form of watercolor smears.
Blotch a surface without noticing

Fall for the one you can't have,
And have the one who can't fall.

Divide black and white only to bathe your soul in grey

Ponder the soul,
But never doubt it
Question yourself,
But never denounce

Break a bone to watch it heal
Finish a sentence with "and" but end it with "so"
Be vague,
but ever present.

Remember that it is the small dogs who bite
Write a poem and tear it up
Put it in the urn with your fathers ashes

Walk a straight line,
only to have one drawn in chalk

Forget your name,
then ask a stranger

Go to the bottom of the world and do a handstand
Tell the world you'll hold them up
Just until you can no longer breathe-
Everyone gives up sometime.
♠ ♠ ♠
What did you think? What are your name suggestions?