Tear's of Black

They run down my face,
cold and dark, like dispair

I feel then run around
my trembling lips, in fear

I hide myself
behind a mask of mixed emotions

Showing them what they want to see
not what the should see

the tears help me avoid people
and to stay in the corner or society

I now fell them dripping
slowly into the hole of hoplessness

There is only a small island not engulfed
by the hole, the space I so often crep into

The little hope I have left
Is slowly crumbling away

Chipping off the island
I am now on

Soon, the island will fall
and I wil have fell into the hole of hoplessness

But for now, I keep crying
releasing all I have left

Screaming for the help
I have so long avoided

No one hears me
I am completely alone

Light is far gone
for all I have left now are my sorrowful

Tear's of Black
