Of Light and Dark

Silver tides o'ertake me
Drown me in passion and kiss me dry
Fractured beams o' light born of thy heart
Dance circles upon mine breast
Trifling miracles-thee- my sweetest love
Ne'er stopping to inquire, ne'er failing to mystify
Thy raven tresses darkness born yet infinitely pure at heart
One man to bear unexpress'd complexities
Darkness escaping from thy heart,
Birthing also a shaft of Heaven's light
(if such a thing as He truly exists)
Amidst violent leviathans formed o' thine desires
Bearing in thy breast such curiosities accessible only through mine lips
Should the Gods strike me from where'st I stand,
I should die in mirth, knowing Love
Thine eyes o' shining silver coupled with
Night-black hair and spring passion
Thy petal-soft lips could not but drive a woman mad
Toward insanity hast thou driven me
Wand'ring duly across pale porcelain curve,
Thy hands betray thee
Unchecked passion flows to pool in shimm'ring silver orbs
Merely a taste, simply a touch
to satiate thy senses
art yet insatiable
Only without the hind'rance of our outer selves doth we bear witness
to thy testaments within
♠ ♠ ♠
I wrote this poem about my true love-- a video game character from a BG2 (Baldur's Gate 2) mod. His name is Tsujatha Melalor. I encourage anyone and everyone to play the game (which was released for the PC in 2004) and I also encourage the download of Sillara's Tsujatha Melalor mod for BG2.