
You are beautiful.
Never let anyone tell you different.
You have the purest soul
I have ever seen inside someone;
It shines brightly from within you.
Your smile can illuminate even the darkest of times
And make them memories to never forget.
Your heart is so big,
You will never turn down someone in need of help;
You didn't turn me down.
Just the touch of your skin on mine
Makes me thankful that I know you;
The feel of you makes me one of the luckiest girls alive.
When you hug me,
I feel like I'm lost in another universe
And there's just me and you; no one else.
And your eyes, oh your eyes.
They are magnificent, like gems on fire.
They have so much inscribed in them;
they hold all your secrets that it pains you to tell.
You are wonderful;
You are someone I wish to be like someday.
There is not one single flaw I can see about you,
You are beautiful.
♠ ♠ ♠
kinda self explaintory.