
I Take This Knife.
I Take This Needle.
Slice My Flesh.
Stitch My Mouth.
If I Discipline Myself Carfully,
I Won't Hurt You Any Longer.
Oh! How I love you!
Oh! How I adore you!
A Physical Punishment Couldn't Possibly Be Enough.
Slice by Bloody Slice.
Stitch By Painful Stitch.
By Talking No Longer,
Your Heart Won't Break.
By Slicing Extensivly,
Mine Heart Will Be Sturdy.
As My Mouth Is Stitched Shut,
As If I'm A Rag Doll.
As My Wrists Are Covered,
In Rasberry Blood.
I Love You,
That's Not Hard To Grasp.
This Punishment I Owe Myself.
Will Hopefully,
And Hurtfully,