
You left me there, waiting.
In a cold and lonely room.
Before you I had nothing.
I would have lived my life alone.
Before you I had nothing.
I would have ended with a dark and empty tomb.

You left me there, waiting.
Holding my breath in anticipation.
My every fibre willing
Me to fall to my knees,
My every movement
Crying out silently for an explanation.

You left me there, waiting.
Knowing I would have given you everything.
I would have given you my all,
Just to hear why
I had given you my all,
And you turned and left me in the cold.

You left me there, waiting.
You left me there, waiting.
In pain,
In fear,
In agony.
You left me there, waiting.
Without your reason,
Without your being,
Without your love.
You left me there waiting.

And I have never let another in the way I had let you in.