That One Day

Daddy why did you hurt her?
You left her so black and so blue.
You smashed her poor arm like it was porcelain.
Placing it on the counter and twisting.
Her cries echoing.
I couldn’t help her.
I tried to stop your furious rage.
You were unstoppable.
I loved her.
You must have too.
But how you showed you’re love far differently.
Far more violently.
Instead of kisses and hugs-
you gave her gashes and bruises.
Daddy- one day I’ll teach you how we’re supposed to love.
They taught me in Sunday school.
Remember- that time she took me to church?
You stayed home. Alone.
And now mommy’s dead.
And you will be away soon.
As soon as I pick up the phone and dial.
I don’t know where I will go.
How I will live.
But, now I just want to hold Mommy.
Letting my tears warm her cold, lifeless body.
I love you Mommy.
I forgive you Daddy.
You didn’t mean to push so hard.
Death was not you’re plan.