
Its all white
I hear the door shut
I am so afraid
What bad news is this?

The doctor sits me down
The MRI results are in
Says he knows why my hands shakes
Now i am shaking all over

He says it slowly
My mom starts to cry
Doctor says i need surgery
I am thinking, i am going to die

He says it is big
He won't be able to get it all out
But one procedure is all i need
I just want to shout

He sets the date
To June 28th
Only weeks away
Will I still be here afterwards?

He says not to worry to much
He doesn't think it is cancerous
And he has done this before
But now i am more scared

I look at my mom
The tears running down her face
I say to myself
I need to be strong for her

I think of how my brother will take it
Will he cry?
Will he try to hide his hurt?
Or will he even talk to me?

My sisters i know
They will cry
i know they will talk to me
But will they tell others?

I just wanted to be treated normal!
Not like a freak
I don't know how i am going to deal
With this thing in my head

I don't know how much longer i can hide it
Seems like everyone knows
I just want it out
The thing the doctor says i have

A brain tumor
♠ ♠ ♠
True story please pray for him