Another dream

She sees him standing there.
Looking at her smiling.
She loves the way he smiles.

She goes closer to the boy.
He starts running away from her.
Still smiling.
She starts chasing him.
She calls out.
He's laughing now.

He soon disappears.
She soon realizes he's gone.

She's standing in the
middle of a field
What's going on?

She looks around.
There's no evidence of him anywhere.
She sits down
and looks around
No ones here.

She gives up
and lays down.
Looking up at the sky.

A single tear rolls down her face.
Why was he running away from her?

She closes her eyes.
She hears a voice.
She opens her eyes.
She's falling.
The boy is trying to reach her.

She's falling....
into darkness.
She finally stops falling.
She looks up
to see him falling.

He stops falling
and faces her.
He kisses her on the lips
and smiles.
"You're finally happy now.
You don't need me anymore.
But I'll always love you.
I'll be watching over you."
He disappears again.
The last thing she saw
was his smile.
What's going on?

She got up from her bed.
Her breathing shallow.
What was the dream suppose to mean?

It was just another dream
that will haunt her.
Another dream that holds an answer.