scratches on the wall

the old wall of my old room is covered with scratches
it's covered with vast gashes as well

the other night it cried out to me
all the way to my new room
but i didn't listen
i was too busy watching cuts growing on my arms
like little fleshy monster-roots
sprouting and indulging themselves in my love

funnily enough
my new wall was slashed and bruised
the very next day
when the sun stopped yawning

my old wall cries out to my brain
often these days

the gashes across it are upside-down smiles
filled with insulation and frayed wires
much like my insides

my room wall is filled with dust
and embriodered with more scratches
that have bone and blood infused within

let's not forget the crying gashes
that visit my arms
every now and then

the wall has not quieted yet
at night
the cry comes back
i don't need to hear it
as my old room wall

has never left me
at all
♠ ♠ ♠
Thank you for reading.