
My name is Max, and I am seven
This is the story of my journey to Heaven.

I can still so clearly hear
My heart wrenched cries, burried in fear

Falling to the ground, are the tears on my face
as I tripped over my white shoelace

With nowhere to go, and nowhere to hide
She came at me fast,and then, I cried

It waas hard, and it was wire
it swung as she called me a cheating, stealing, liar

They gave her candy to help her get better,
But she ate one piece too many, and remembered his letter

He called her bad, evil names in that letter
But the Doctor's said that she would get better

Again, they were wrong and thing's went back as they were before,
But somehow, something went wron, and I now lay lifeless, dead on the floor.

I could hear her regret's from Heaven
And then, a knife, she stabbed herself, one times eleven

But she wend down, into the flames
into the pit of endless shames
The police found us, cold in the floor
our bodies were escorted into the moorg

But, now, all that matters, is that I'm in a safe place
Lifted fom earth, taking a new face

My name is Max, and I am seven
and now, I'm in my rightful home, a place called Heaven.
