Monster Me

Have you ever seen the world through my eyes? All the people and places? My tree like eyes, bending with the wind. Doing what it’s told. Being misunderstood. Chopped into wood. Trees keep us alive, but you don’t see that. None with your eyes.

I see all the violence, the crime, and the hate. And the monster inside of me grows. Threatening to burst free. I try to control it, but can only paralyze this beast of mine. Soon, it will make its move.

The world spins around me, but I sand sill. I stand alone. My body is moving, but my mind is fighting..This constant depression. The hunger of the monster.I walk like a zombie, and laugh like a robot. My eyes becoming duller with each passing second.

Surrounded by people. This constant thirst. I’d be nice to live in the wild. Living life on your own. With no one to imitate. Being yourself all the time. But that’s not how my story goes. I live with barbies and posers. No one who they want to be.

Not wanting to give into the monster, I try. Try to fit in. Try to stay alive, in that prison called school. My eyes are now grey. The beast’s pain, eating me away.

I used to think that writing was my gift, but now I know better. I reread my work. It’s child’s work, nothing, but scribbles. I feel like I’ve been lied to. But that’s not the case. Besides, I never asked for the truth.

How do wee do it? Walking and talking? Reading and writing? Through my eyes I’ve seen the random things people do. The happy lives they live, while I suffer alone. Darkness and the beast, my only true friends.

My imagination runs wild. I see all these people dying, or dead. Yet we cry for them everyday. They’re gone. Why open old scars, when you can heal new ones? Im not sure if mine will ever heal, but at least I try. To fight this monster inside.

People look at me, with nothing but sympathy. Feeling sorry for this poor, lonely kid. In my eyes you look fake. Reality becomes a dream. Nothing, but meaningless images.

I look in a mirror, but see nothing. The real me is hidden behind these all seeing eyes. Pale and dark. Not what they used to be. Tainted by the beast’s powerful hunger.

Next to me is a 15-year-old boy. With one of those faces that you can’t forget. Looking up at me, smiling like a 4- year-old kid with a candy bar. He saw the real me. At my moment of weakness, the monster bursts free. Stretching it’s arms, gaining control.

The boy’s gaze burns into me. Our eyes were the same. Bright and always seeing the truth, in this cold twisted world. Like mine used to be. He was different and happy that way.

My eyes come to life, clear and energetic. My true self coming alive. I want to be me. Not a mindless clone. I finally agree, with the beast inside of me. I’m free. It’s the new me. The monster me!