Just a bystander

You don't love me
it's silly how easy that is to say
but what I really need to say is
I love you
no matter how I forget my soul keeps coming back like some sad dog,
lacking warmth
were like brother and sister you see
and that's as close as we'll ever be
I'm constanly hungry for you
but you starve me and stuff her
you give all of your self to her
whom wants nothing of you
tossing you aside like nothing
I want to be ok with that...
But I'm not
I wish I could say I love you
the way you do her
but things are easier said than done
your like a poison and I'm addicted
I want to give you some light or just alittle truth
but I couldn't live in a world without you
so I'll sit in the bleachers while you play your game
smileing and waving
just a bystander