Pleasure Scream to Me.

Push it in,
Pull it out,
Show me what its all about.

Take it all off,
Faster boy,
Lips to my ear,
One little moan.

Down my neck,
Trails of kisses,
Pins and needles,
Things she probably misses.

Let you go,
Into my arms,
Fallen for your charms,
My barrier un-arms.

Hold me close,
Thrust in deep,
Give me a memory,
That I will want to keep.

Little gasps,
At little bites,
Hold me tight.

I pull your hair,
A signal,

I'm gasping for air,
Louder the sounds,
They are made,
By each pulse of pleasure.

One more,
A high pitched moan,
Make me scream,
Oh so fun.

How did I not know this,
Not until just now,
That this is what your all about.

Not judging,
Just saying,
Where has it been my entire life.

Dedicated to my sexy best friend. Rawr u sxc bitch ;)